Spit-Roasted Pineapple Gin (That Boutique-y Gin Company).jpg

In light of growing fears surrounding the state of UK exotic fruit imports, we have taken a significant step towards securing the future of our flagship gin - Spit Roasted Pineapple Gin.

“The price of pineapple has been soaring uncontrollably and they’re going to become increasingly hard to get hold of. We had a limited window in which the price dropped enough for us to make a large purchase. With Brexit around the corner, it was now or never.” says Boutique-y’s Jennifer Ghosh.  

The ‘large purchase’ of £10 million worth of pineapples, is the largest ever single purchase of pineapples by a UK private company and we will require a decommissioned oil tanker for shipping. So big is the purchase that on Friday 29th March, we informed our Boutique-y team that they will no longer be able to work from the Kent office, as the space is needed for our record-breaking pineapple order. The 10,000 tons of pineapple is enough to fill Boutique-y’s two ginormous warehouses and main office. Sure, it is very likely to cause significant disruption to the surrounding area but, we plan to reach out to nearby businesses with an unlimited supply of our signature serve: Pineapple Mule (Spit-Roasted Pineapple Gin and ginger beer with a squeeze of lime - delicious-y!).

Jennifer Ghosh goes on to say “Spit Roasted Pineapple Gin needs its pineapples so you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do to get them. It has been a difficult decision and a substantial investment, but we must secure a consistent supply of pineapples going forward. The staff are invested in the company and understand the need for space, we have efficient remote working processes in place so that the day to day business will not be affected.”

Well, here’s hoping everything turns out fineapple.

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